An end-to-end documentation on Grid
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Sometimes we may want to enhance the Selenium Hub or the Selenium Node to customize it and add extra functionalities. Some of them can be :
As you can see, the use cases are endless. So lets see how we can build this customization into the Hub (or) the node.
Selenium Grid lets you plug-in customizations into the Selenium Grid either at:
The customization can be as a servlet by the following two ways :
: One can extend the HttpServlet
, build a servlet and inject this servlet at either the Selenium Hub / Selenium Node (or)org.openqa.grid.web.servlet.RegistryBasedServlet
: One can extend the RegistryBasedServlet
, build a servlet and inject this servlet at the Selenium Hub.So why does Selenium provide both these two mechanisms ? When you extend RegistryBasedServlet
, you also get access to the internals of the Hub called as org.openqa.grid.internal.Registry
. The Registry
contains the vitals of the Hub and can be accessed via the method getRegistry()
. So when you extend RegistryBasedServlet
, your custom servlet gets access to this data structure as well using which you can get access to :
In order to start building our customization, we first need to consume the selenium server as a dependency (dependency is a lingo in the Maven world)
So add the below to your pom file :
Now lets look at how our servlet would look like (this servlet is going to retrieve all the proxies that are wired into the hub as a JSON payload).
package rationale.emotions.servlets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.GridRegistry;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.ProxySet;
import org.openqa.grid.internal.RemoteProxy;
import org.openqa.grid.web.servlet.RegistryBasedServlet;
import org.openqa.selenium.json.Json;
public class ListProxiesServlet extends RegistryBasedServlet {
public ListProxiesServlet() {
public ListProxiesServlet(GridRegistry registry) {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
ProxySet proxySet = getRegistry().getAllProxies();
Iterator<RemoteProxy> iterator = proxySet.iterator();
Iterable<RemoteProxy> iterable = () -> iterator;
List<Map<String, String>> maps =, false)
.map(remoteProxy -> {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
URL remoteHost = remoteProxy.getRemoteHost();
String url = String.format("%s://%s:%d", remoteHost.getProtocol(),
remoteHost.getHost(), remoteHost.getPort());
map.put("IP_Address", remoteProxy.getRemoteHost().toString());
return map;
new Json().toJson(maps);
response.getWriter().append(new Json().toJson(maps));
Now lets build our jar using : mvn clean package
Now lets start the Hub and inject the servlet using the command :
java -cp simpleproxy-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar \
org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 -role hub \
-servlets rationale.emotions.servlets.ListProxiesServlet
Once the hub is started, you should see an output as below :
21:58:21.624 INFO [GridLauncherV3.parse] - Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358
21:58:21.727 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$5] - Launching Selenium Grid hub on port 4444
21:58:21.763 INFO [Hub.<init>] - binding com.rationaleemotions.ListProxiesServlet to /grid/admin/ListProxiesServlet/*
2019-12-14 21:58:22.118:INFO::main: Logging initialized @757ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog
21:58:22.296 INFO [Hub.start] - Selenium Grid hub is up and running
Now start a node and wire it into the hub.
Now run a curl
command to invoke the newly injected servlet at the hub’s side.
09:52 $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:4444/grid/admin/ListProxiesServlet"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 04:22:09 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 42
Server: Jetty(9.4.5.v20170502)
So for our servlet the URL was http://localhost:4444/grid/admin/ListProxiesServlet
Now lets look at a servlet that can be injected into the Selenium Node. Here’s how the servlet would look like :
package rationale.emotions.servlets;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.openqa.selenium.json.Json;
public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("Greeting", req.getRemoteAddr());
response.getWriter().append(new Json().toJson(map));
Now lets build our jar using : mvn clean package
Now lets start the Node and inject the servlet using the command :
java -cp simpleproxy-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar \
org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 -role node \
-hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register \
-servlets rationale.emotions.servlets.HelloWorldServlet
Once the node is started, you should see an output as below :
22:14 $ java -cp playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3 -role node -servlets com.rationaleemotions.servlets.HelloWorldServlet
22:14:22.706 INFO [GridLauncherV3.parse] - Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358
22:14:22.833 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$7] - Launching a Selenium Grid node on port 11908
22:14:22.883 INFO [SelfRegisteringRemote.addExtraServlets] - binding com.rationaleemotions.servlets.HelloWorldServlet to /extra/HelloWorldServlet/*
2019-12-14 22:14:22.930:INFO::main: Logging initialized @482ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog
22:14:23.141 INFO [WebDriverServlet.<init>] - Initialising WebDriverServlet
22:14:23.232 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] - Selenium Server is up and running on port 11908
22:14:23.233 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$7] - Selenium Grid node is up and ready to register to the hub
Now run a curl
command to invoke the newly injected servlet at the node’s side.
09:52 $ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" "http://localhost:5555/extra/HelloWorldServlet"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2017 04:37:44 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 30
Server: Jetty(9.4.5.v20170502)
When injecting a servlet at the node’s side, you would always need to have your servlet extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
When injecting a servlet at the hub’s side, and if you are extending org.openqa.grid.web.servlet.RegistryBasedServlet
, make sure you add a default constructor to your servlet, else the hub servlet cannot be invoked at all.